Beginning with a lecture covering the relevant physical properties required of composites to be used for restoring anterior teeth, this one day course explores the concepts of colour as they relate to tooth shade selection. As there are presently so many options on the market, the importance of opacity/translucency as distinct from colour alone will be explained to assist participants in selecting composite systems for use in their practices.
This course will address the main causes of postoperative sensitivity with posterior composites, and present techniques that can be predictably employed by the clinician to prevent it from occurring. This will include a discussion on cavity design and restorative material placement as well as the role of self-etching dentine bonding systems, glass inomers and flowable resins.
Module 1 - 7 September 2023 - 9 September 2023
Module 2 - 12 October 2023 - 14 October 2023
Module 3 - 16 November 2023 - 18 November 2023
A practical program designed for the general dentist including didactic and hands-on components:
Dental occlusion has been progressively taught less and less in undergraduate and CPD programs, leading many to conclude that perhaps occlusion doesn't matter. Yet time and again, clinicians see restorations fail due to bite forces. So is it that every patient is bruxing on their crowns? Or does proper occlusion matter?
Learning Objectives
- How dentine and enamel bonding work
- A review of the different bonding systems
- Evidence based techniques – how to bond properly
- When to use silanes and metal primers
- Learn how to assess new dentine bonding systems
- The role of the new Universal Adhesives - are they the future?How good is your system? Do your own testing of your own bond